Charity Partnerships

About St Catherine’s Hospice
How we help
St Catherine’s cares for patients and families across Chorley, Preston and South Ribble who are affected by life-shortening conditions like cancer, motor neurone disease and heart failure.
Our specialised care is here to help people enjoy the best possible quality of life, to the end of life. We work with patients and their loved ones at the hospice and in their own homes to help them achieve what is important to them in the time they have.
We work creatively and collaboratively with other organisations, businesses, charities and local people to meet the needs of patients and their loved ones.
Our values are caring, compassionate and committed
Our Purpose
St Catherine’s is a local hospice which cares for adults in Chorley, Preston and South Ribble who have a life-shortening condition, and their loved ones.
Our catchment area includes around 380,000 people, and our services touch around 2,000 patients and families each year. Care is provided unconditionally regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, religious or cultural belief.
We work with patients and families to help them achieve what is important to them. Care is personalised to each individual and their circumstances, and aims to help people live in comfort, and with dignity, independence and choice.
Because we know that time in hospital can be stressful and unnecessary when living with a life-shortening condition, our aim is to provide the support people need to be able to stay at home if that is their wish, or to receive care on our in-patient unit at the hospice.
Although we do care for people in the last days of life, we are here for people from diagnosis and through bereavement. Around 50 per cent of those who are admitted to our in-patient unit have their symptoms better managed so that they can go home again.
The support of St Catherine’s doesn’t stop when someone has died – we are here to help loved ones through bereavement, and are privileged to host various opportunities for our community to remember and reflect together.
Find out more about how taking part in the Longridge SoapBox Derby can help patients and their families in our local area -