Join us on 14th September 2025 for a day filled with family fun, laughs and a few spills along the way. Come along and cheer on the teams who have entered a cart in Longridge’s Soap Box Derby. All the action takes place along Berry Lane so there will be plenty of viewing spots for you to see the action.
SoapBox racing is all-day carting with style, artistry and panache…..not to mention a bit of farce and comedy. Are you, your family, your friends or your colleagues brave enough and wacky enough to enter a team? Of course you are! And if not you can still come along and enjoy a wonderful day, in our brilliant town.
We’ll be updating this website with all the information you need to enter a team, become a volunteer, a sponsor or simply to enjoy what’s on offer in our fabulous town in September. Please keep checking back for the latest updates and keep an eye on our social media feeds.
Click below to subscribe and keep up to date with all soap box derby updates and announcements.